GiT It Off Me CheSt MayNe

Just random stuff I'd like to share with everyone and anyone who's checking out my spot :o)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CALLING ALL SLABS!!!! .. TX RELAYS BABY!!!!! All Ova yo face!!! LOL

Can sumbody say "Slab Holiday" LOL I love this time of year, not only cause it's getting close to my bday, but because relay weekend baby.. it's like that greatest weekend in da ATX, least for me anyway, errthing is crunk no matter where you go and it's all kinda folks in town baby!!!

This year, TX relays will begin March 31-April 3, 2010!!! it's a TX thang baby, gotta luv it! For relay events check out and I must say, this weekend is one of the crunkest in downtown ATX, partying here is a MUST for this weekend!!! Here's one of my favorite videos (it's a lil older from 2008 relays, but still my fav video put together!) shot by one of my homies, NACIM lol