Bwahahahahaha :-) Mr. Ed Lover neva disappoints me smh no sirrr, neva ... Check it out, some of the year's craziest shit that had the internet going crazy. Enjoy! :-)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Change.Org- South Africa: Declare 'Corrective Rape' a Hate-Crime
A few days ago, I received an email from Change.Org regarding this certain petition calling So. African government to declare "Corrective Rape" as a hate-crime and punishable by law. After reading the article below and looking at this woman's pain, I immediately felt the need to not only sign the petition but share it with the world. No human being should be subject to such malicious treatment. By not punishing such crimes, the So. African government fails to protect its people and the women of their communities. A lot of these "Corrective Rape" victims have committed suicide due to the lack of help from their government and community. This is just unacceptable, point blank period ... regardless of what part of the world this takes place in, just unacceptable behavior towards one another. Please sign and/or share the story so that hopefully this gets the attention of the authoritative figures in So. Africa that can actually help make a difference.
Sign petition here:
(Excerpt taken from story at )
The South African government and justice system are failing the victims of Corrective Rape by letting the perpetrators out on ridiculously low bail, and taking literally years to bring the court-cases to a conclusion. In the meantime the victims have to live with seeing and being taunted and threatened by their rapists every day, as do those who help the victims!
In the last 10 years:
*31 lesbian women have been murdered because of their sexuality
*More than 10 lesbians a week are raped or gang raped in Cape Town alone
*150 women are raped every day in South Africa
*For every 25 men accused of rape in South Africa, 24 walk free
Sign petition here:
(Excerpt taken from story at )
The South African government and justice system are failing the victims of Corrective Rape by letting the perpetrators out on ridiculously low bail, and taking literally years to bring the court-cases to a conclusion. In the meantime the victims have to live with seeing and being taunted and threatened by their rapists every day, as do those who help the victims!
In the last 10 years:
*31 lesbian women have been murdered because of their sexuality
*More than 10 lesbians a week are raped or gang raped in Cape Town alone
*150 women are raped every day in South Africa
*For every 25 men accused of rape in South Africa, 24 walk free
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monster Video Kanye West ,Rick Ross, Jay Z, Nicki Minaj
See if this works for y'all... couple other links weren't working....
Latest Ricky Rozay Mixtape!!! Get it now, like hot bread baby!
Alright, so apparently Im a few days late... but I just got my hands on Rick Ross' latest mixtape "Ashes to Ashes" and so far my ears is diggin it. Y'all check it out N see what U think about Ricky Rozay's latest work. Enjoy :-)
Download Ashes to Ashes (Dirty)
Download Ashes to Ashes (Clean)

Download Ashes to Ashes (Dirty)
Download Ashes to Ashes (Clean)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Happy Bday Chad Butler AKA Pimp C !!! Long Live Da Pimp!
In honor of Pimp's Bday Dec 29, iFelt it's only right iPost sum of my UGK favs. We love you N we missing you .. Rest in peace baby!
We'll see U when we get there..
We'll see U when we get there..
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
MNF Recap: Saints vs Falcon (17-14 Final)
Great game last night, nice win for Saints..although, I honestly thought Atlanta almost had it..smh they should have gone for it on that last 4th down with only 6 to go, but o well... nonetheless, catch up on game highlights if y'all missed it.
For the last Monday of 2010, Swizz Beatz shows luv to his one and only :-) iThought this was sooo friggin cute! Love the artwork and I'm definitely feelin Alicia & Eve on this song. Check it out :-) and enjoy!
Listen to Speechless on MonsterMondays.Com
Download: Speechless
Listen to Speechless on MonsterMondays.Com
Download: Speechless
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Follow Bun B & Cory Mo as they invade Canda- Trillionaire Tour CANADA
Alright, it's been a minute y'all ... iKnow, iKnow.... but I've decided to grace my blog with Bun B and Cory Mo as iAttempt my bloggin comeback! lol All my UGK fans definitely check it out and if y'all don't know about Cory Mo, Ionknow what to tell y'all smh y'all been sleepin on sum good music! Check them out as they toured Canada. Enjoy :-)
Y'all follow Bun on twitter @BunBTrillOG and Cory Mo @CoryMoMusic !!!!
Y'all follow Bun on twitter @BunBTrillOG and Cory Mo @CoryMoMusic !!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Got Faith?
I felt the need to post The Serenity Prayer for y'all cause a lot of you seem to stress about things you have no control over and constantly over work yourself to the point where you loose sight of what really matters. When you're feeling desperate, at a loss of inspiration, or simply because you want to.. recite this prayer every day and it'll change your mood for the better! :o) least it always works for me lol
The Serenity Prayer | |
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. |
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dondria May Very Well Be One of My Newest R&B Faves :o)
I love the way this girl sounds... As far as new R&B artist go, I put her right up there with Jazmine Sullivan and Melanie Fiona! I can listen to any one of these girls, they make it look so easy, sounding sooo nice
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Le$- The Beautiful Struggle Trailer
Yessir, Le$ will be releasing The Beautiful Struggle on 7/13. I'm definitely waitin on this to drop! What can I say besides I luv N support REAL music, luv that his lyrics tell a story on sum real ish tho not like the whackazz music we been getting on radio N what not.. I mean sheesh ppls, I dont mind a lil pop locking N droppin music when Im at the CLUB.. ya know but pls, pls, pls! let's get back to REAL music... Big ups to Le$ he a real genuine south artist... Imma fan :o) Oh yeah! follow his blog at and/or twitter @Settle4LES
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
GDW 6-29-10 [A Childlike Amazement]
In the message "Remember The Basics" we saw the importance of returning often to the fundamental truths of our faith. We are called to grow and mature, but never to "grow" such that we are led away from the simple and unchanging truth: God loves us so much that He provided a way to restore a right relationship with Him through faith in His Son. Jesus died so we could live! Does this awesome act of love still amaze us, or have we "matured" to more "important" matters?
Matthew 18:3
"And He said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'"
When my daughter was four years old, we read about young Samuel. While discussing this story, my daughter showed me the excited faith God calls us to maintain. Perhaps her faith could teach us all.
As a young boy, Samuel was ministering with an old priest named Eli. One night God called to Samuel, but Samuel thought it was Eli's voice. Eli said he didn't call and told Samuel to go back to bed. After God called a few more times, Samuel realized who was calling and answered: "Speak, for Your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:10). God then gave Samuel a message - but the message was all about Eli.
My daughter asked, "Why did God speak to Samuel if the message was really to Eli?" We talked about how we must be ready and willing to hear God. I said Eli may have had some problems or distractions in his life which kept him from hearing God, so God spoke His message through a child. I said little kids (like her) can often hear God better than older people (like me).
"But, I don't hear God talk to me," she said, with a little disappointment in her voice. I explained how God doesn't usually speak so we can hear Him with our ears; rather, His Spirit speaks to our heart and we hear Him as we listen to our heart. Her little eyes widened, "Like today when I was going to sit on one of the baby toys - Jesus told my heart I was too big and shouldn't do it so I listened to what He said."
I encouraged her that this is exactly how God speaks to us, we just need to learn how to listen and then obey. My daughter thought for a moment and then slowly shook her head in amazement: "Wow! That's sooooo cool!!"
Heavenly Father, I pray that Your Word never becomes just an interesting collection of stories. You created us, loved us, and will one day call us Home to be with You for all eternity - and Father, that's sooooo cool!! Help us to come into Your presence with a thankful and loving heart. Strengthen our faith every day and allow us to continually look on You and Your wonders with a childlike amazement.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
I cant help myself, I love this lil video lol :) it's amazing the love and wonder children have that we all forget about all too soon.....
Matthew 18:3
"And He said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'"
When my daughter was four years old, we read about young Samuel. While discussing this story, my daughter showed me the excited faith God calls us to maintain. Perhaps her faith could teach us all.
As a young boy, Samuel was ministering with an old priest named Eli. One night God called to Samuel, but Samuel thought it was Eli's voice. Eli said he didn't call and told Samuel to go back to bed. After God called a few more times, Samuel realized who was calling and answered: "Speak, for Your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:10). God then gave Samuel a message - but the message was all about Eli.
My daughter asked, "Why did God speak to Samuel if the message was really to Eli?" We talked about how we must be ready and willing to hear God. I said Eli may have had some problems or distractions in his life which kept him from hearing God, so God spoke His message through a child. I said little kids (like her) can often hear God better than older people (like me).
"But, I don't hear God talk to me," she said, with a little disappointment in her voice. I explained how God doesn't usually speak so we can hear Him with our ears; rather, His Spirit speaks to our heart and we hear Him as we listen to our heart. Her little eyes widened, "Like today when I was going to sit on one of the baby toys - Jesus told my heart I was too big and shouldn't do it so I listened to what He said."
I encouraged her that this is exactly how God speaks to us, we just need to learn how to listen and then obey. My daughter thought for a moment and then slowly shook her head in amazement: "Wow! That's sooooo cool!!"
Heavenly Father, I pray that Your Word never becomes just an interesting collection of stories. You created us, loved us, and will one day call us Home to be with You for all eternity - and Father, that's sooooo cool!! Help us to come into Your presence with a thankful and loving heart. Strengthen our faith every day and allow us to continually look on You and Your wonders with a childlike amazement.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
I cant help myself, I love this lil video lol :) it's amazing the love and wonder children have that we all forget about all too soon.....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
ABV presents "Slow Down" - David Banner & 9th Wonder
Check out the new video for "Slow Down" .. great job N applause go out to David Banner for bringing us the good stuff :) check it out N peep the message!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thank Me Later In Stores TODAY!!!!!
Yesssir!!! the much anticipated TML finally in stores today.. if you dont already have it, GET IT! and if you not fixin to get it..Ionknow wat to tell you... KILL YA SELF LOL Na, but farreal tho... the album is bangin! Imma have to play this for like a week or sum mane lol waited too long N i'm F'N luvin it!! Ok, Ok.. Imma calm my azz down N get back to listening to my music :o)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
GDW: Never Trade The Blessing
I thought I absolutely must share this one w/everyone! lol It's a great reminder to keep your eyes on the prize for our stay on this earth is only temporary and all these worldly objects and ambitions will fade away when we leave .. N when that happens, where will you find yourself? Will you be satisfied with the condition of your heart as an offering to Him? or will you have NOTHING to offer once everything that used to belong to this world, of this world, stays with this world?
When Isaac was sixty years old, his wife Rebecca gave birth to twin sons. Esau was born first, followed immediately by Jacob; "with his hand grasping Esau's heal" (Genesis 25:26). Esau grew to be a skillful hunter while Jacob stayed more around the tents with his mother.
In the days of Esau and Jacob, the firstborn son was given a special honor called the birthright. The child having the birthright received a double portion of the family inheritance as well as the eventual privilege of family leadership. The birthright could be traded, but all future birthright blessings were then lost.
Genesis 25:29-32
"Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. He said to Jacob, 'Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I'm famished!' Jacob replied, 'First sell me your birthright.' 'Look, I am about to die,' Esau said. 'What good is the birthright to me?'"
Esau was a young man who lived "in the moment" and traded his birthright for a bowl of stew. He placed much greater value on immediate gratification than on future blessings; and he exaggerated his immediate need in order to justify the future loss. The mighty hunter may have been hungry - maybe even VERY hungry - but he certainly was not about to die.
Esau's decision to let go of his birthright was based on the temporary needs he could see and feel. His focus on the immediate caused him to lose the blessings which were greater and long lasting, but unseen. Jacob would later steal Esau's final blessing from their father, but Easu freely gave away his birthright because he never understood its true value.
Similar trades are being made today. We just don't understand (or believe) the value of blessings. When a child leaves home in rebellion, they trade the blessing of an honoring relationship with their parents for perceived pleasures of immediate freedom. When a spouse pursues a relationship outside of marriage, they trade the blessing of a God-honoring union for perceived pleasures of the flesh. And when we fail to "wait upon the Lord" with decisions, we have allowed our impatience to trade away the blessing of walking in God's perfect will. We may spend a lifetime understanding the value of this blessing!
So what bowl of stew are we trading for today? God has promised a blessing for those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, for those who trust in Him for the forgiveness of sin and walk daily in His light. He has promised to set us free to live a life of true peace, purpose and contentment, and an eternal glory in His presence when we die. ALL worldly pleasures will one day fade away; "For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:18). Let's devote our lives to worship and obediently follow wherever He leads. Let's keep our eyes on the eternal and NEVER trade the blessing.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
When Isaac was sixty years old, his wife Rebecca gave birth to twin sons. Esau was born first, followed immediately by Jacob; "with his hand grasping Esau's heal" (Genesis 25:26). Esau grew to be a skillful hunter while Jacob stayed more around the tents with his mother.
In the days of Esau and Jacob, the firstborn son was given a special honor called the birthright. The child having the birthright received a double portion of the family inheritance as well as the eventual privilege of family leadership. The birthright could be traded, but all future birthright blessings were then lost.
Genesis 25:29-32
"Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. He said to Jacob, 'Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I'm famished!' Jacob replied, 'First sell me your birthright.' 'Look, I am about to die,' Esau said. 'What good is the birthright to me?'"
Esau was a young man who lived "in the moment" and traded his birthright for a bowl of stew. He placed much greater value on immediate gratification than on future blessings; and he exaggerated his immediate need in order to justify the future loss. The mighty hunter may have been hungry - maybe even VERY hungry - but he certainly was not about to die.
Esau's decision to let go of his birthright was based on the temporary needs he could see and feel. His focus on the immediate caused him to lose the blessings which were greater and long lasting, but unseen. Jacob would later steal Esau's final blessing from their father, but Easu freely gave away his birthright because he never understood its true value.
Similar trades are being made today. We just don't understand (or believe) the value of blessings. When a child leaves home in rebellion, they trade the blessing of an honoring relationship with their parents for perceived pleasures of immediate freedom. When a spouse pursues a relationship outside of marriage, they trade the blessing of a God-honoring union for perceived pleasures of the flesh. And when we fail to "wait upon the Lord" with decisions, we have allowed our impatience to trade away the blessing of walking in God's perfect will. We may spend a lifetime understanding the value of this blessing!
So what bowl of stew are we trading for today? God has promised a blessing for those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, for those who trust in Him for the forgiveness of sin and walk daily in His light. He has promised to set us free to live a life of true peace, purpose and contentment, and an eternal glory in His presence when we die. ALL worldly pleasures will one day fade away; "For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:18). Let's devote our lives to worship and obediently follow wherever He leads. Let's keep our eyes on the eternal and NEVER trade the blessing.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A lil piece of Drake's thoughts.....
My sentiments exactly, Drake! I dont understand why Lil Kim actin soooooo SIMPLE right now....smh... Ionknow but I'm feelin just like Drizzy feel on this piece.. check it out...
Game3 Recap: Lakers vs Celtics 2010 Finals
Well, Lakers won last night's game 91-84..leading series 2-1. Next game is Thurs 6/10 at 9pm ET on ABC (game 4). I thought this was a very important game for both teams.. especially for Boston since they'll have to play next 2 games in Bos and go back to L.A and finish off finals over there. Ray Allen had a sucky game considering he was showing out in game 2 but nonetheless I cant say I'm tooo shocked about last night... Bos been all ova the place this year... winning on the road, loosing at home... making a comeback off a 20pt game, but then loosing games they "suppose" to have in the bag.. just all ova... but it is only game 3. Lakers lookin like they HUNGRY for anotha ring tho mayne.. they playin like they READY... so Ionknow if I can say the same for Celtics right now... we'll see how they hold up next 2games.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hip Hop Honors: The Dirty South Sneak Peek
Sneek Peak of Bun B performing at VH1's Hip Hop Honors: Dirty South... Dont miss it tonight on VH1 9pm Et / 8pm Ct!!!!
Lil Kim Radio Interview: Speaks on Nicki Minaj
So I was BSing around the other day and saw a clip of Lil Kim at a concert performing and towards the end of the performance she takes off a pink wig and makes a statement about how she's so above the "pink", takes off wig, and walks off stage. To a lot of ppl this came off as a diss towards Nicki... Me personally, didn't over-extend it to THAT much.. lol I mean ppl gon say what they wanna say and do what they wanna do and make assumptions outta any and everything they can.. so I try not to jump at it so quick.. and now we have actual audio of Queen Bee regarding Nicki so this should clarify a lil sum for all you confused ppl. I agree with most of what Lil Kim says... point, blank, period... competition is competition.. We all try to be the best at what we do and same goes for females in the rap game.. If anything female MC's gots to step it up a notch or two cause fact of the matter is, you a FEMALE in the RAP GAME.. more pressure on them to show up N show out... nonetheless, check out what Lil Kim says and make your own thoughts of it...
LIL KIM SPEAKS ON NICKI MINAJ !!!! from KendraG.Com on Vimeo.
Lakers vs Celtics: Game 2 Recap
Well, we had us a nice game 2 last night. Boston came back ready to play this time winning game 2 with a final score of 103-94. Ray Allen was killing'em 1st quarter! He was 7/7 on 3's in 1st half>> JESUS!!! lol he was going hard mane... Next three games will be held in Boston. Yikes! Lakers y'all gon have to pull through on this one... cutting it a lil close! We gon see how Celtics hold up back at home though.
Game 4
Game 5
Game 3
Tue. June 8 9:00 PM ET on ABC
Game 4
Thu. June 10 9:00 PM ET on ABC
Game 5
Sun. June 13 8:00 PM ET on ABC
Friday, June 4, 2010
Killeen's Very Own> Deezil Greezil Ft. Spark Dawg – Stay
Big Ups to our TX artists!! and The homie SparkDawg's Spark-A-Lot Films for making this happen. Here's a little treat. Enjoy!
Great Expectations Diggy Simmons feat. Bei Maejor
And we have our firs leak off Diggy's forthcoming mixtape AirBorne!!! Y'all awreay know I like Diggy's work so of course I was gon support this one!!! :o) Yeah baby! N he holding up to our great expectations! :o)
Great Expectations Ft. Bei Maejor> Listen and DL
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Game1 of NBA Finals Lakers vs Boston Tonight at 9pm ET on ABC!!!
Y'all already know I been patiently waiting last few days... finally game time baby! going down! lol
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
GDW 6/2/2010 Dayenu - Jesus is Enough
I know, I know some of y'all may not appreciate all the spiritual posts, but if that's the case, then feel free to NOT read it lol I'm jus sayin tho lol .... Thing is I dont feel like I go to church how I'm suppose to so in order to fulfill that spiritual void that my soul yearns, I try to get the WORD by other means... AND I happen to think I'm not the only one who may feel the same so this might help them out as well... enjoy! and AMEN!
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
In the message "Paid in Full" we considered the sacrifice of Jesus as the payment for our sin. His sacrifice on the cross occurred during the Jewish Passover, a yearly time of celebration and remembrance ever since God led the nation of Israel out of Egypt .
The traditional Jewish Passover meal, or Seder, is designed to direct one's heart back to the praise and honor of God. One of the traditional Passover songs is called Dayenu, a Hebrew word meaning "it would have been enough." Each verse of this song recounts one of God's blessings and states if this was all God had done, it would have been enough - Dayenu!
If God had only led His people out ofEgypt - Dayenu! But He did more! If He had only parted the sea - Dayenu! But He did more! If He had only fed them in the wilderness - Dayenu! But He did more! If He had only given His Holy Word - Dayenu! The Christian Jews add a final verse to this song which reminds them of how God saw a sinful people and yet loved them enough to give His Son.
Romans 5:6
"At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
I'm often grieved by the lack of thankfulness in the world...and in my own heart. I'm saddened by those who do not know God and fail to see His loving hand in all creation. I'm saddened by the Jewish people who have all the history of God's love but, as a group, have lost their deep reverence and worship. But mostly I'm saddened by Christians who place their trust in the sacrifice of Jesus, and yet live their life with an attitude which says: What have You done for me lately? God, You must not care about me because my job no longer satisfies, or my finances are a mess, or I'm unhappy in my relationship.
Can we even begin to understand how this must sound to God? When we were still powerless - when we were dead in our sin - God sent His Son to die so we could live! We live because of His love, yet we complain and grumble because of trivial fluff. Shame on us! Shame on me!! If everything were stripped away and all we had was Jesus, would He really be enough? And if He is enough, don't we then already have ALL we need?
Through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, we are given the ability to stand and live in the presence of a Holy God - His death and resurrection is completely sufficient! But He did even more! He gave us His Spirit to strengthen us and guide us in His truth, and He gave us His peace which surpasses all human understanding. Let's remember the blessings we've already been given. God looked down and sent His One and Only Son - Dayenu! Jesus is Enough!!
The traditional Jewish Passover meal, or Seder, is designed to direct one's heart back to the praise and honor of God. One of the traditional Passover songs is called Dayenu, a Hebrew word meaning "it would have been enough." Each verse of this song recounts one of God's blessings and states if this was all God had done, it would have been enough - Dayenu!
If God had only led His people out of
Romans 5:6
"At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
I'm often grieved by the lack of thankfulness in the world...and in my own heart. I'm saddened by those who do not know God and fail to see His loving hand in all creation. I'm saddened by the Jewish people who have all the history of God's love but, as a group, have lost their deep reverence and worship. But mostly I'm saddened by Christians who place their trust in the sacrifice of Jesus, and yet live their life with an attitude which says: What have You done for me lately? God, You must not care about me because my job no longer satisfies, or my finances are a mess, or I'm unhappy in my relationship.
Can we even begin to understand how this must sound to God? When we were still powerless - when we were dead in our sin - God sent His Son to die so we could live! We live because of His love, yet we complain and grumble because of trivial fluff. Shame on us! Shame on me!! If everything were stripped away and all we had was Jesus, would He really be enough? And if He is enough, don't we then already have ALL we need?
Through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, we are given the ability to stand and live in the presence of a Holy God - His death and resurrection is completely sufficient! But He did even more! He gave us His Spirit to strengthen us and guide us in His truth, and He gave us His peace which surpasses all human understanding. Let's remember the blessings we've already been given. God looked down and sent His One and Only Son - Dayenu! Jesus is Enough!!
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Big Boi- Shutterbug Video
New Video to Big Boi's Shutterbug... Feelin this joint mane... check it out N see if you feel the same!
Big Boi- Shutterbug
Big Boi- Shutterbug
Excerpt of GDW 5/26/10 God's Plumb Line and full entry of GDW 5/27/10 The Living Word
Ok, so I felt the need to share this excerpt of yesterday's edition of God's Daily Word and the full entry of today's Word because they're relevant to each other and make a very strong point we all need to intake N breakdown, and reflect on EVERY day... just saying, we're so quick to stray from the truth due to our own worldy ambitions (and I say WE because no one is excluded)... anyhow, check it out and feed your mind N soul!
GDW- 5/26/10 God's Plumb Line
Have a Christ Centered Day!
GDW- 5/26/10 God's Plumb Line
God used a plumb line to show that the people of Israel had once been true, but now they were building their lives without a reference. God had established clear guidelines and preserved them within His Word. He was now bringing judgments according to His unchanging standard; "I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line" (Isaiah 28:17)
Our lives need an unchanging reference to call us back when we stray. This reference must be the Word of God which calls us to a life of absolute pure devotion.
GDW- 5/27/10 The Living Word
In the message "God's Plumb Line" we were encouraged to build our lives upon the absolute and unwavering standard of God's Word. His Word is truth and holds the answer to every problem we will ever confront. If we search for answers and prayerfully reflect on the truth of God's Word - if we indeed consider His Word as absolute and unchanging, and apply it directly into our life - we will find the solutions have been available long before we were born.
Hebrews 4:12-13
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."
Without changing in content or meaning, the Word of God adapts to every situation. If we maintain the habit of reading and reflective study, we will find new insights in what appear to be the peeling back of multiple layers of understanding. But it is actually us who are being peeled back and laid bare by the ever present truths of His Word.
The passage, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5), will have a much different meaning after we've obediently followed God for several years. Each time adversity strikes and doubts arise, we will find an ever deeper calling in the phrase "with ALL your heart." And though we walk with Him for all the rest of our days, we may never fully appreciate the words; "God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). How our lives would change if we could ever fully understand His love!
We do not truly "dig deeper" into the Word; rather, the Word digs deeper into us! Scriptural truths are not revealed until our hunger is so great that we are willing to place our life on the table and allow the sword of truth to cut deep inside. Do we really desire to know God, His Word, and His Spirit? Do we really want to understand the depth of God's love and the implications of His justice? Then be advised: even necessary and beneficial surgery can be painful. When our chest is opened, the condition of our heart is revealed; and that which is dark and displeasing must be cut away and burned.
But fear not! Our Heavenly Father is a skilled surgeon who can make our heart new and prepared to yield to His Spirit. The solution to our most complex problems is always found in His presence, and He has given His Word to show us how to draw near. Our lives are in need of some divine surgery today! Let's allow our heart to be cut by the truth - to be exposed and purified by the Living Word.
Hebrews 4:12-13
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."
Without changing in content or meaning, the Word of God adapts to every situation. If we maintain the habit of reading and reflective study, we will find new insights in what appear to be the peeling back of multiple layers of understanding. But it is actually us who are being peeled back and laid bare by the ever present truths of His Word.
The passage, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5), will have a much different meaning after we've obediently followed God for several years. Each time adversity strikes and doubts arise, we will find an ever deeper calling in the phrase "with ALL your heart." And though we walk with Him for all the rest of our days, we may never fully appreciate the words; "God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). How our lives would change if we could ever fully understand His love!
We do not truly "dig deeper" into the Word; rather, the Word digs deeper into us! Scriptural truths are not revealed until our hunger is so great that we are willing to place our life on the table and allow the sword of truth to cut deep inside. Do we really desire to know God, His Word, and His Spirit? Do we really want to understand the depth of God's love and the implications of His justice? Then be advised: even necessary and beneficial surgery can be painful. When our chest is opened, the condition of our heart is revealed; and that which is dark and displeasing must be cut away and burned.
But fear not! Our Heavenly Father is a skilled surgeon who can make our heart new and prepared to yield to His Spirit. The solution to our most complex problems is always found in His presence, and He has given His Word to show us how to draw near. Our lives are in need of some divine surgery today! Let's allow our heart to be cut by the truth - to be exposed and purified by the Living Word.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Janet Jackson Performs on American Idol
Well, I was too busy watching Game5 of NBA ECF Bos vs Orl and missed Janet on American Idol lol so for those like me who missed this niiiiiiiiiccce performance from Ms. Jackson... here it is! :o) N Imma just say Janet Jackson is a most talented artist and beautiful person... truly is.. Ok, now for the video courtesy of
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
HOTTT New *** DRAKE Mixtape ALERT!!!
Yesssir, get yo copy ASAP! Drake- The Billboard Mixtape hosted by DJ Woogie is now available for you to download now!!!!! Click on link below!!!
NEW** Drake- The Billboard Mixtape (hosted by DJ Woogie)
NEW** Drake- The Billboard Mixtape (hosted by DJ Woogie)
Exclusive: Trey Songz "Yo Side of The Bed"
OMG, this video got me all mushy N teary-eyed mane lol niiicce song N video.. check it out!
The Return of RnB Mixtape Hosted by Don Cannon
Just got word of DTP's newly signed Untitled group out of Toronto... listened to a couple of tracks off their mixtape "The Return of RnB / hosted by Don Cannon" and was luvin it! just had to go on N download it... check 'em out ASAP :o) enjoy!
Music by | More on Untitled
Music by | More on Untitled
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
God's Daily Word (GDW) 5-19-10 [By All Possible Means]
The Apostle Paul was a pillar of strength who saw the ways of God more clearly than any other individual. He had a unique boldness in his message because he had received the gospel directly from God: "The gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ" (Galatians 1:11-12).
There is no doubt that Paul had a special blessing from God: "This man {Paul} is My chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel" (Acts 9:15). But if Paul would have remained attached to this highly favored position of strength and superior knowledge, his ministry would have been severely limited.
1 Corinthians 9:22
"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
Paul was so devoted to preaching the Gospel that he could humbly minister to anyone! He was determined to reach every person God placed in his path - even if this meant lowering himself and becoming weak.
We must be careful to understand that weakness does not mean we engage in sin! God NEVER asks us to violate His commands in order to accomplish His will; we never need to sin in order to reach someone with the gospel. Rather, becoming weak means showing compassion without regard to a person's status; it means having the "strength" to walk beside the weak, who may be living in terrible sin, and minister the love of Jesus without condemnation. Godly weakness means showing grace to others because we understand the grace we've been given.
As we minister to the lost - as we touch those without Christ - our message must focus on His saving grace. Without Jesus we are ALL lost and on our way to an eternal damnation; "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). We must never forget this basic truth. We must never let our position in Christ cloud the message of the cross. We have been saved and set free; "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness" (Colossians 1:13). But now that we are free, we need to understand that the world around us is in desperate need of this same gracious Savior.
We each have a message to share - a message which can encourage and be used to draw others to faith in Jesus. Let's begin to share this message with ALL. Let's begin to step outside our select and "comfortable" group - outside the group we relate to and claim to understand. The Good News of Jesus is a precious life-saving gift! Let's begin to share this gift with ALL - by ALL possible means.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
There is no doubt that Paul had a special blessing from God: "This man {Paul} is My chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel" (Acts 9:15). But if Paul would have remained attached to this highly favored position of strength and superior knowledge, his ministry would have been severely limited.
1 Corinthians 9:22
"To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
Paul was so devoted to preaching the Gospel that he could humbly minister to anyone! He was determined to reach every person God placed in his path - even if this meant lowering himself and becoming weak.
We must be careful to understand that weakness does not mean we engage in sin! God NEVER asks us to violate His commands in order to accomplish His will; we never need to sin in order to reach someone with the gospel. Rather, becoming weak means showing compassion without regard to a person's status; it means having the "strength" to walk beside the weak, who may be living in terrible sin, and minister the love of Jesus without condemnation. Godly weakness means showing grace to others because we understand the grace we've been given.
As we minister to the lost - as we touch those without Christ - our message must focus on His saving grace. Without Jesus we are ALL lost and on our way to an eternal damnation; "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). We must never forget this basic truth. We must never let our position in Christ cloud the message of the cross. We have been saved and set free; "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness" (Colossians 1:13). But now that we are free, we need to understand that the world around us is in desperate need of this same gracious Savior.
We each have a message to share - a message which can encourage and be used to draw others to faith in Jesus. Let's begin to share this message with ALL. Let's begin to step outside our select and "comfortable" group - outside the group we relate to and claim to understand. The Good News of Jesus is a precious life-saving gift! Let's begin to share this gift with ALL - by ALL possible means.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Celtics vs. Magic Game 1- Highlights
Now I must say, I wanted Magic to win Game 1... they weren't playing like the same team that just swept 2 other teams in the playoffs like they been doin.. smh.. just not like 'em but watever.. that was only game 1.... here are some highlights in case you missed it! Lakers vs Suns tonight on TNT 9pm ET... dont miss it baby!!
Oh, Let's Do It- Sparkdawg Style baby :o)
Whaaaat Whaaaatt, Big Ups to da Homie Sparkdawg... his video now playing on World Star Hip Hop for the world to see... CHECK IT OUT WORLD!!! :o)
When I was 17-Drizzy!!!
In Case y'all missed it, here's "When I was 17" -Drizzy... For all my Drake Fans... Yes, I know.. I love y'all too lol Lataz.. Enjoy! :o) MwaH!
WIW17 Drizzy
Uploaded by yardie4lifever2. - Explore international webcam videos.
WIW17 Drizzy
Uploaded by yardie4lifever2. - Explore international webcam videos.
What They Waiting For (Video)- Diggy Simmons!!!
BIG THANGS POPPIN N LIL SHII STOPPIN! lol Now, if y'all dunno by now... I fux with my boy, Diggy!! :o) he young, he talented, and he fresh! He just seem to be bringing nun but the good to the table so I gots to support my lil dude mane!!! Check out the video, Enjoy :o)
Slim (112) Feat Skuba -Come Over
Check out this track from one of my new-found Tweeps! :o) U know I'm slowly growing fond of Twitter... I said I was only going to blog and that's it! no other social networks lol ;however, I've made an exception to Twitter! keeps me on the loop bout what I want to know and gives me a chance to speak my mind as well so I jumped on the bandwagon.. o well, Dont judge me! lol Luvin this track tho.. nice lil slow-jam.. and dat boy Skuba sounding good tho :o)
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Confidant in Theaters Aug 24, 2010!!!
Here's the official movie trailer for the upcoming film The Confidant starring Boris Kodjoe, David Banner, Kenya Moore, Bai Ling N several more.... luvin the storyline, definitely a must go-see in my books!!Check it out for yaselfs! Enjoy :o) vist official site for more info
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Drake's video to *new* single "Find Your Love"< HOTTTTT****
Ok, so first time hearing da song I was feelin it a lil bit... I can hear Kanye all over it u know u can tell he produced it lol bt wasn't just in love with it ;however, Drizzy came back with this awesome video and has won me over yet again!!!! gots to love it!!!!! Check it out!
Judge orders Dwyane Wade’s wife taken into custody!
ha! crazy Biaaaa! N sumbdy pls tell me why she still wearin #3 piece on her chain! shii is funny to me lol *singin Anthony Hamilton* No matta wat da ppls say, I can't let goooooo LOL Merrnin! :o) I know, I know.. .it's not funny, but thas jus da A-hole in me... I mean why do ppl cling on to other ppl, things, or situations so tight like that... Baby, there's plenty of fish in da sea and there's still time in YOUR life to make YOURSELF happy! Go N find that special sum1 N get ova it! On to da next 1! she trippin farreal tho getting children involved in this mess she causing and causing them pain by denying them to be with their father... smh tsk tsk tsk... GET IT TOGETHA Siohvaughn!! (full story below) and I quote one of my friends lol "people need to quit tryin' to have there's never a rite time to say goodbye, however, with your money it may help me speed up the process of healing"< okkk! I hurrd dat ! lol
By DON BABWIN, Associated Press Writer May 10, 6:23 pm EDT
CHICAGO (AP)—A judge in Chicago ordered sheriff’s deputies to take Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade’s(notes) estranged wife into custody after she failed to show up for a Monday divorce hearing.
Siohvaughn Wade will have to post $10,000 bond to be released, Cook County Circuit Judge Marya Nega said. The sheriff’s department couldn’t immediately say when the order would be carried out.
Nega said she was tired of what she called a pattern of behavior by Siohvaughn Wade throughout her contentious divorce from the basketball player and Chicago native.
“When things don’t go according to Mrs. Wade’s way all of a sudden the phone’s turned off,” said Nega, clearly exasperated when Siohvaughn Wade’s attorney explained she had not been able to reach her client.
Dwyane Wade’s attorney had planned to ask Monday that his client be given physical custody of the couple’s two boys, ages 8 and 2.
The judge said Siohvaughn Wade had refused to comply with other orders. For example, Nega said, Siohvaughn Wade has not followed an order to make sure the couple’s two children talk to their father every day. Nega also noted the children were not at their Chicago school last week to be picked up by Dwyane Wade’s sister as the judge had ordered.
The judge said her main concern was what the couple’s ongoing divorce was doing to the children and suggested she may order custody be given to Dwyane Wade.
“Maybe it’s time for the kids to go live with Dad for a month or two,” the judge said.
Last week, Siohvaughn Wade filed a lawsuit in Chicago contending Wade’s relationship with actress Gabrielle Union was causing the couple’s sons emotional distress, alleging, for example, that Wade and Union “engaged in sexual foreplay” in front of the boys.
Dwyane Wade has called the lawsuit “baseless and meritless.” After Monday’s hearing, his attorney, James Pritikin, said he wants the judge to order a psychiatric evaluation for Siohvaughn Wade.
Pritikin told the judge Siohvaughn Wade has repeatedly thwarted Dwyane Wade’s efforts to visit his children or talk with them on the phone. Pritikin said she even once called police when Dwyane Wade showed up at the couple’s Miami home to pick them up, falsely telling officers there was a warrant out for the basketball player’s arrest.
Pritikin requested that the judge ask the state’s attorney’s office to launch a criminal investigation. In court documents, his office said Siohvaughn Wade is “unstable, dishonest, and unbalanced,” and that more time with her “would seriously endanger the minor children’s physical, mental, moral and emotional health.”
Siohvaughn Wade’s attorney, Marsha Fisher, tried to take some blame for her client’s failure to appear Monday. Fisher said Wade had learned Fisher had been in a car accident and apparently thought she did not have to show up in court.
“The fact that you had a car accident does not excuse Mrs. Wade not being here,” the judge said.
Nega said she likely would schedule a custody hearing for the summer, then deal with the rest of the case later.
Dwyane Wade said little during the hearing and declined to talk to reporters when it was over.
By DON BABWIN, Associated Press Writer May 10, 6:23 pm EDT
CHICAGO (AP)—A judge in Chicago ordered sheriff’s deputies to take Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade’s(notes) estranged wife into custody after she failed to show up for a Monday divorce hearing.
Siohvaughn Wade will have to post $10,000 bond to be released, Cook County Circuit Judge Marya Nega said. The sheriff’s department couldn’t immediately say when the order would be carried out.
Nega said she was tired of what she called a pattern of behavior by Siohvaughn Wade throughout her contentious divorce from the basketball player and Chicago native.
Dwyane Wade’s attorney had planned to ask Monday that his client be given physical custody of the couple’s two boys, ages 8 and 2.
The judge said Siohvaughn Wade had refused to comply with other orders. For example, Nega said, Siohvaughn Wade has not followed an order to make sure the couple’s two children talk to their father every day. Nega also noted the children were not at their Chicago school last week to be picked up by Dwyane Wade’s sister as the judge had ordered.
The judge said her main concern was what the couple’s ongoing divorce was doing to the children and suggested she may order custody be given to Dwyane Wade.
“Maybe it’s time for the kids to go live with Dad for a month or two,” the judge said.
Last week, Siohvaughn Wade filed a lawsuit in Chicago contending Wade’s relationship with actress Gabrielle Union was causing the couple’s sons emotional distress, alleging, for example, that Wade and Union “engaged in sexual foreplay” in front of the boys.
Dwyane Wade has called the lawsuit “baseless and meritless.” After Monday’s hearing, his attorney, James Pritikin, said he wants the judge to order a psychiatric evaluation for Siohvaughn Wade.
Pritikin told the judge Siohvaughn Wade has repeatedly thwarted Dwyane Wade’s efforts to visit his children or talk with them on the phone. Pritikin said she even once called police when Dwyane Wade showed up at the couple’s Miami home to pick them up, falsely telling officers there was a warrant out for the basketball player’s arrest.
Pritikin requested that the judge ask the state’s attorney’s office to launch a criminal investigation. In court documents, his office said Siohvaughn Wade is “unstable, dishonest, and unbalanced,” and that more time with her “would seriously endanger the minor children’s physical, mental, moral and emotional health.”
Siohvaughn Wade’s attorney, Marsha Fisher, tried to take some blame for her client’s failure to appear Monday. Fisher said Wade had learned Fisher had been in a car accident and apparently thought she did not have to show up in court.
“The fact that you had a car accident does not excuse Mrs. Wade not being here,” the judge said.
Nega said she likely would schedule a custody hearing for the summer, then deal with the rest of the case later.
Dwyane Wade said little during the hearing and declined to talk to reporters when it was over.
Monday, May 10, 2010
VH1's Basketball Wives
I aint even mad at Miami Heat for denying participation in this show mane... I mean it's juicy and what not, but fact remains these girls really ridicule the idea of basketball "wives" I mean the only one that's actually MARRIED to a player is Jennifer and she borderline divorcee anyway! crazy.. I mean it serves it's purpose of entertaining us w/BS lol but it's only hurting the way it's portraying the league and it's players lol funny shii tho.. makes me no difference whether it stays on air or cancels...
The former wife of NBA player Michael Olowokandi told an NBC reporter recently that the Miami Heat has instructed its players and their wives and girlfriends to not participate in an NBA-themed VH1 reality show
Basketball Wives cast member Suzie Ketchum made the claim to Chicago-based NBC 5 reporter LaShonda Matlock:
The NBA hates it. I heard that the Miami Heat has put restrictions on the players and their wives: they are not allowed to do it. The wives are not allowed to be apart of the show at ALL. And I personally think that the entire NBA may put restrictions on any wife, girlfriend or player from being apart of the show. You know obviously, if the players are not allowed to do it, then they are NOT going to allow their women to do it.
Matlock then contacted the Heat for a response about Ketchum’s claim:
I reached out to Miami Heat assistant director of sports media relations Michael Lissack to confirm the restrictions and he stated: “I’m not going to make a comment on anything about that show“.
Sounds like we have our answer.
The interesting part of this story isn’t that the Heat banned anyone from the show, it’s the irony lost on Ketchum. Ketchum’s boss and creator of the show’s original concept, Executive Producer Shaunie O’Neal, apparently feels the same as the Heat do about the show.
O’Neal came up with the initial idea for the VH1 reality show, but it was to be centered on her and her husband at the time, Shaq. The theme of that show was no more than a public relations vehicle for the O’Neals and the NBA. But when the couple divorced, VH1 was suddenly left groping for a new concept.
Enter women like Ketchum, the ex-wife of Olowokandi. She’s part of a cast of divorcees and baby mamas, all genuinely bitter over their current life condition. With that you get the recent, ugly scene involving Matt Barnes of the Orlando Magic on the show.
Barnes fiancee Gloria Govan is the only woman in the cast with a current partner in the NBA, and when Govan and Barnes appeared on the show, he was ambushed by two of the cast members who essentially accused him and all NBA players of cheating on their partners.
Barnes has since gone to the media to voice his displeasure for the show.
So where is Shaunie O’Neal in all of this? Nowhere.
She’s rarely seen on the show now and doesn’t participate in the production’s inane, staged bits.
Now that she’s spilled the beans on the Heat, perhaps Ketchum can tell us why Shaunie was once the centerpiece of the program but is now almost never seen on-camera.
Could it be that the show now has a cast that O’Neal doesn’t want to be associated with?
Sounds like a certain South Florida NBA team Ketchum previously denigrate
The former wife of NBA player Michael Olowokandi told an NBC reporter recently that the Miami Heat has instructed its players and their wives and girlfriends to not participate in an NBA-themed VH1 reality show
Basketball Wives cast member Suzie Ketchum made the claim to Chicago-based NBC 5 reporter LaShonda Matlock:
The NBA hates it. I heard that the Miami Heat has put restrictions on the players and their wives: they are not allowed to do it. The wives are not allowed to be apart of the show at ALL. And I personally think that the entire NBA may put restrictions on any wife, girlfriend or player from being apart of the show. You know obviously, if the players are not allowed to do it, then they are NOT going to allow their women to do it.
Matlock then contacted the Heat for a response about Ketchum’s claim:
I reached out to Miami Heat assistant director of sports media relations Michael Lissack to confirm the restrictions and he stated: “I’m not going to make a comment on anything about that show“.
Sounds like we have our answer.
The interesting part of this story isn’t that the Heat banned anyone from the show, it’s the irony lost on Ketchum. Ketchum’s boss and creator of the show’s original concept, Executive Producer Shaunie O’Neal, apparently feels the same as the Heat do about the show.
O’Neal came up with the initial idea for the VH1 reality show, but it was to be centered on her and her husband at the time, Shaq. The theme of that show was no more than a public relations vehicle for the O’Neals and the NBA. But when the couple divorced, VH1 was suddenly left groping for a new concept.
Enter women like Ketchum, the ex-wife of Olowokandi. She’s part of a cast of divorcees and baby mamas, all genuinely bitter over their current life condition. With that you get the recent, ugly scene involving Matt Barnes of the Orlando Magic on the show.
Barnes fiancee Gloria Govan is the only woman in the cast with a current partner in the NBA, and when Govan and Barnes appeared on the show, he was ambushed by two of the cast members who essentially accused him and all NBA players of cheating on their partners.
Barnes has since gone to the media to voice his displeasure for the show.
So where is Shaunie O’Neal in all of this? Nowhere.
She’s rarely seen on the show now and doesn’t participate in the production’s inane, staged bits.
Now that she’s spilled the beans on the Heat, perhaps Ketchum can tell us why Shaunie was once the centerpiece of the program but is now almost never seen on-camera.
Could it be that the show now has a cast that O’Neal doesn’t want to be associated with?
Sounds like a certain South Florida NBA team Ketchum previously denigrate
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
GDW 5-4-10 [His Amazing Grace]
Here's an excerpt of today's word:
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
Galatians 5:6
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
We show our love for God through worship, thanksgiving, prayer, study, obedience, and faithful service; and we acknowledge His saving grace with a humble spirit which does not allow us to become puffed up or feel deserving of our Salvation. We demonstrate our love for others as we refuse to cause harm, in word or deed, refuse to harbor unforgiveness, and actively look for opportunities to serve. And we show an understanding of God's grace as we express our love to others without requiring them to earn our love or even love us in return.
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
We show our love for God through worship, thanksgiving, prayer, study, obedience, and faithful service; and we acknowledge His saving grace with a humble spirit which does not allow us to become puffed up or feel deserving of our Salvation. We demonstrate our love for others as we refuse to cause harm, in word or deed, refuse to harbor unforgiveness, and actively look for opportunities to serve. And we show an understanding of God's grace as we express our love to others without requiring them to earn our love or even love us in return.
Let's receive His grace with a thankful heart, knowing we bring nothing to the cross besides our sin which He then takes away. Let's trust only in His grace, given to us through faith, and express our faith with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength as we love Him and love one another. Let's begin to live this life like we truly understand His amazing grace.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
Monday, May 3, 2010
Bomb found in Times Square on Saturday 5/1!!!
So I heard Saturday evening that they evacuated Times Square... didn't hear why, but just that they had evacuated the place.. next thing Sun morning, turns out there was a bomb inside and SUV that luckily got spotted before causing any major incidents and today they follow up letting us know that they've interviewd the owner of the SUV; however, the owner is NOT a suspect at this time... details of story below...
Click here for full story>>
By TOM HAYS and COLLEEN LONG, Associated Press Writers Tom Hays And Colleen Long, Associated Press Writers
Floyd Mayweather vs Shane Mosley Highlights
In case y'all missed it, here it is!! It was a good fight... Mosley got Mayweather pretty good during round 2 (at least hardest I've seen Mayweather get hit by far); however, as expected, the champ Money May wasnt gon let dat go down like that and came back quicker N stronger... after round 2, MoneyMay pretty much won every round.. Mosley didn't get KO but sho took a nice beatin! lol
Your Letter
Inspired by a Spanish song from one of my favorite spanish bands.. Solido :o)
-Your Letter
Since the arrival of your letter, nothing’s been the same, everything’s changed
They say love doesn’t die or is it that it never even existed within you?
Time’s moving so slowly without you, my dreams drifting away in a stormy sky
Lost in this solitude, looking to your shadow in search of a different view
I can’t forget that love that’s now dying in you
I can still feel your kisses dancing over me
I can’t remove this imprint that you’ve left inside of me
I’ve got enough courage with me to face another day, but
With every step I take, the memory of you only grows stronger within me
I can’t forget that love that’s now dying in you
I can still feel your kisses dancing over me
I can’t remove this imprint that you’ve left inside of me
Friday, April 30, 2010
AZ and their New Immigration law lol
Ok, so of course I'm well aware of the BS law they passed in AZ.... and of course I'm highly upset about the whole ordeal but watever mane... like one of my friends said "it's a test to see if they can conform the country back to confederacy.......trying to see what they can get away with" lol it really is sum BS mane but anywho.. I was sent this funnyazz comic by John Darkow so I jus HAD to share :o)LMAO
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lil Duval Jammin Hard To Justin Bieber's "Baby" & Then Puts On A Front
Now, if y'all don't know about comedian Lil Duval, y'all missin out on sum Fa real funny ish lol he's a dang foooo mane lol
Shakira’s performance of “Gypsy” on Ellen 4/27/2010
This was filmed yesterday Apr 27, 2010.. nice lil performance as always.. Yes, I'm a Shakira fan... so what ? lol
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
ESPN's 30 for 30- No Crossover: The Trial of Allen Iverson
For those of you living under a rock lol this premiered last night on ESPN.. I didn't catch it from start to end, but we did DVR it so we're GOOD lol however, parts I did watch I thought was very interesting. If you're a AI fan, this is a must see for you, but all in all I thought it was a good, insightful film (least parts I watched) Below you'll see a preview of the film which premiered last night (I couldn't find a full version) and then this hilarious "press hop" video by DJ steve porter lol funny ish if you haven't seen it lol... enjoy
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dose of The Word :o)
I wanted to share this entry I really liked so here it goes :o)
GDW (God's Daily Word)
On the night before He was crucified, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. The thought of what would take place in the next 24 hours caused Jesus to be deeply troubled; "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death" (Mark 14:34).
Being fully God, Jesus knew exactly what was about to take place and exactly why it had to occur. But being fully Man, the foreknowledge of the rejection, physical pain, and spiritual separation from the Father was nearly unbearable.
Mark 14:36
"'Abba, Father,' He said, 'everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.'"
Jesus cried out and asked for the plan to be changed; and yet, His greater desire was for the Father's will to be done. Earlier in His ministry, Jesus taught us this same principle; "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven'" (Matthew 6:9-10). Even with an absolute understanding of what He must endure, Jesus' sole desire was to glorify the Father by walking the path placed before Him; "I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do" (John 17:4).
This is the example we ought to follow all through our life; we should present ourselves to the Father, fully prepared to serve, and be completely emptied of our own desires. When we have allowed Him to be the only possessor of our heart, He will fill us with His Spirit and accomplish His perfect will through our life. When our life is ordered and directed only by His will, we will receive blessings from above which bring far greater joy than the fulfillment of ANY flesh-directed desire.
This is one of the mysterious "secrets" of the Christian walk. We were created to be in fellowship with God - to glorify Him and enjoy His presence for all eternity. We may spend a lifetime chasing what we believe will bring us a sense of fulfillment, but we will never be truly content until we rest in His arms and submit to His ways.
What cup have we been given to drink? What seemingly unbearable burden have we been given to carry? Have we been asking, even demanding, that the burdens be taken from us, or are we yielding to the Father's will and being determined to glorify Him in all we do? Let's come to His table ready and willing to serve; but let's also come with complete submission to His perfect plan. Only in this can we fulfill the purpose for which we were created. Heavenly Father, we give our life fully into Your hands; let it unfold, not by our plans, goals or desires, but according to Your will.
>> AMEN! :o)
GDW (God's Daily Word)
On the night before He was crucified, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. The thought of what would take place in the next 24 hours caused Jesus to be deeply troubled; "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death" (Mark 14:34).
Being fully God, Jesus knew exactly what was about to take place and exactly why it had to occur. But being fully Man, the foreknowledge of the rejection, physical pain, and spiritual separation from the Father was nearly unbearable.
Mark 14:36
"'Abba, Father,' He said, 'everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.'"
Jesus cried out and asked for the plan to be changed; and yet, His greater desire was for the Father's will to be done. Earlier in His ministry, Jesus taught us this same principle; "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven'" (Matthew 6:9-10). Even with an absolute understanding of what He must endure, Jesus' sole desire was to glorify the Father by walking the path placed before Him; "I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do" (John 17:4).
This is the example we ought to follow all through our life; we should present ourselves to the Father, fully prepared to serve, and be completely emptied of our own desires. When we have allowed Him to be the only possessor of our heart, He will fill us with His Spirit and accomplish His perfect will through our life. When our life is ordered and directed only by His will, we will receive blessings from above which bring far greater joy than the fulfillment of ANY flesh-directed desire.
This is one of the mysterious "secrets" of the Christian walk. We were created to be in fellowship with God - to glorify Him and enjoy His presence for all eternity. We may spend a lifetime chasing what we believe will bring us a sense of fulfillment, but we will never be truly content until we rest in His arms and submit to His ways.
What cup have we been given to drink? What seemingly unbearable burden have we been given to carry? Have we been asking, even demanding, that the burdens be taken from us, or are we yielding to the Father's will and being determined to glorify Him in all we do? Let's come to His table ready and willing to serve; but let's also come with complete submission to His perfect plan. Only in this can we fulfill the purpose for which we were created. Heavenly Father, we give our life fully into Your hands; let it unfold, not by our plans, goals or desires, but according to Your will.
>> AMEN! :o)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
NCAA 2010 Championship Game Duke vs Butler, Congrats to Blue Devils!
Well, couldn't have asked for a better match! it was a good game, congrats to both teams for playin your hearts out, but at the end of the day, there can only be 1 team to take it all! and that went to Duke last night with a final score of 61-59 over Butler... I must admit, I really wanted to see Butler win and I think it was just a matter of some BS calls on the officials part, there were a lot of shots and free throws that were missed on behalf of Butler, and defensively Duke had more rebounds and blocks throughout the game; otherwise, sorry Duke, but Butler would've taken it! Like I said, it was a great match... both teams played hard and Butler made school history going all the way to the championship game undefeated and taking their school to championship for first time in school history.. that's an amazing accomplishment so keep your heads up! sometimes you win some and sometimes you loose some... all part of the game, baby!!! Oh yeah.. and Hayward almost made that 3pt buzzer shot mayne F wat u hurrd! that woulda jus killed it!!!! lol
Check out the highlights below provided by Associated Press:
Check out the highlights below provided by Associated Press:
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